Sample Ethnography

I’m shaking things up a little, normally this blog is about nature. However for this one post I will be critiquing an ethnography about a small town cafe in Minnesota. The lack of nature ethnographers is apparent but none the less I was also a culinary arts student in my previous schooling so I can always appreciate a little something about food. Below I will be examining an ethnography called Keeping connected: An Ethnography of the Staff at Linda’s Cafe  by a college student named Heidi Haechrel.

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A Search for Belonging: A Place in the Forest

A Search for Belonging: A Place in the Forest

dining hall hill

Above is a photo of ‘Dining Hall Hill’

After settling in for the week before camp two years ago, I found myself relaxing with Mrs. Tellier, this year’s cook at Cachalot Scout Reservation and mother of my current boyfriend. I had grown close to her and her family and she was very dear to me. This year I was the camps kitchen manager and Mrs. T and I came a week early to help set up the kitchen. It would be just us for the week. Just past midnight, and after a long day cleaning and rearranging the kitchen, we sat comfortably in the Cooks Cabin where Mrs. T stayed the entire summer. She indicated to me through very obvious means she wanted to be alone and go to bed. “Are you okay walking by yourself?” she said as she was making herself coffee; she lived off coffee. Smiling, but with heart aflutter I said, “Yeah I should be fine,” nonchalantly. I lived in a cabin across the forest and I was scared. It was dark and I had never been in this camp without the bustling staff. I knew my walk would be accompanied by only the woods that night. I left the dim light of the Cooks Cabin porch.

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My memoirs much rougher cousin

Here under this read more button you will accidently find yourself in over 2500 words or unfinalized trash. Granted the teacher is probably the only one dwelling here for longer than a few seconds and for that I’m sorry. For everyone else I’m sure you’re only here because you were told to be and for that I’m also sorry. This rough draft will most certainly be trimmed to a more reasonable and enjoyable reading length. Carry on. Continue reading

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